La line up del #larsrockfest18 è completa

Lars Rock Fest 2018
settima edizione
3 days of Love & Music
Chiusi (SI)
6-8 luglio
ingresso libero
settima edizione
3 days of Love & Music
Chiusi (SI)
6-8 luglio
ingresso libero
evento fb:

campfire stage aftershow
James Ritchie
James Ritchie

campfire stage aftershow
An Early Bird
An Early Bird

campfire stage aftershow
Boda (Daniele Rotella)
Boda (Daniele Rotella)
e inoltre
street market (vinyl, comics, books, handcraft)
foood & drinks (restaturant & fast food, craft beers)
art & fun (live printing & drawing, kids' labs)
e molto altro
foood & drinks (restaturant & fast food, craft beers)
art & fun (live printing & drawing, kids' labs)
e molto altro
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